Based on the popular PlayStation2 title, Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars is a 2-D, turn-based strategy game in which players take control of an army of trucks, tanks, fighters...
Sunrise World War is a Strategy video game published by Bandai, Sunrise Interactive released on September 25th, 2003 for the Sony PlayStation 2.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front (known as Zeonic Front: Kidou Senshi Gundam 0079 [1] in Japan) is a game for the PlayStation 2, which revolves around a Zeon Special Commando Unit...
The excitement is almost terrifying. Grab ahold of Gundam’s hand, and experience the impact of the life-sized mobile suit in battle. You will feel the utter powerlessness of huma...
A fighting game based on the My-Hime/My-Otome anime series.
A 3D fighting game based on the My-Hime anime series. Its story mode retells the the first 16 episodes using stills and clips from the show.
The second 3D fighting game based on the My-Hime anime series. It adds new content and features, as well as covering the final 10 episodes in the story mode.
A PlayStation 2 racing game which began the Shinseiki GPX Cyber Formula: Road to the Infinity series
A mecha action game based on the live-action movie of the same name.