Enju Yoinara is a middle school teacher at the small, rural Yusei Junior High. A strange encounter one rainy morning is quickly forgotten as the rest of the day goes by without inc...
Добро пожаловать в 1bitHeart ― последнюю игру от Alicemare и разработчика LiEat △○□× (Miwashiba). В этой уникальной и милой приключенческой игре возьмите на себя роль Нанаши, одино...
Alicemare is a somehow familiar yet totally unique adventure game with strong horror leanings, created by △○□× (Miwashiba) using the Wolf RPG Editor. The game follows an amnesiac y...
Первая часть трилогии Лиата.
Вторая игра в трилогии LiEat.
The third and final game in the LiEat trilogy.
A world where dragons, born from the wishes of man, each have a unique power to match their human's desires. One mysterious stranger travels with a young dragon graced with the tal...