This fighting game began the story of the Sakazaki family and Robert Garcia. Yuri Sakazaki has been abducted by Mr. Big to punish her father, Takuma, and her brother, Ryo. To rescu...
In Breakers, choose one of eight fighters who have their own moves and special attacks. There are eight stages in the game, and each stage has two battles. The object of each battl...
An adaptation of the Neo-Geo fighting game. 2-D scrolling one-on-one fighter with pseudo-3D aspects (that allows for players to escape holds, throws, and other attacks). Part of th...
Shock Troopers is a 1-2 player game where players select one of eight characters to play as. Each character has their own attack. Players also have to choose one of three routes to...
Can you survice this explosive battle?! Build Power Gauge Levels and Unleash Super Powerful Attacks!
In 1944 the United Forces are preparing their final assault on the Normandy coast. The mission is to break through the front lines and destroy enemy headquarters. To spearhead the...