Island Xtreme Stunts is a mixture of different genres in a single game. The player explores a LEGO-based environment in an open world format: ride a skateboard, drive, fly and pilo...
Urban Freestyle Soccer provides the player(s) with hours of twisted, unrealistic freestyle football/soccer. The players pick their team(s), depending on whether they're playing aga...
The Brickster is back and out to cause more mischief in this wild, racing, chasing, island-hopping sequel. In your quest to piece together The Informaniac's Constructopedia, you'll...
Michael Owen's WLS 2000: World League Soccer is a soccer game for the Nintendo 64. In the game you can choose to play one of over 200 teams from various countries in custom cups.
In World League Soccer '98 the player is able to move, kick, chip, volley and perform advanced passing techniques, including one-twos, chip returns and swerved long-balls. Players...
Feel the excitement as you take the winning shot with soccer champion Mia Hamm! Be a part of Mia Hamm's All-Star team or take Mia on, as you play for the World Cup in front of thou...