In the year 2998, humanity has finally reached the stars, and was able to build a prosperous, peaceful society. However, a space matter known as the Black Nebula began to spread, t...
M.U.S.H.A. is a Sega Genesis vertical-scrolling shooter from Compile and Seismic originally released in 1990 and later re-released on the Nintendo Virtual Console in 2009. The game...
Super Hydlide is an action role-playing game for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. It incorporates a 'good/evil character' morality/alignment system. Like its predecessor Hydlide II: Sh...
Your mission is to find and eliminate the enemy terrorists. They are extremely well armed, and central intelligence informs us that they may have the backing of several unfriendly...
Seismic's massively anticipated anime is here! Heralding a lovey dovey roommate life with an ecchi-kawaii wolf girl! On a full moon, you rescued a timid puppy, that is to say a pu...