A slice of life RPG. Hiroshi Kawada’s third year as a college student is as hectic as it can be. He’s trying to secure a job for the sake of his beloved girlfriend, Nanami Miyasaka...
Huntress Yuki and her brother Yuu depend on each other, living in a remote village.
A Role-Playing Game as play as an adventurer who travels with the pact demon, who is also his girlfriend, Ria, attend to a business contest with a powerful adventurer that lasts fo...
An NTRPG from a male POV. Use tools like heart monitoring and surveillance to shield your girlfriend, Kana, from her scheming boss. With 5 endings and choices shaping interactions,...
Happily married couple Minako and Tatsurou trade the busy life in Tokyo for a nice, long vacation in the countryside. Visiting her husband’s hometown for the first time in her life...