Return to a mythical time in the Far East, when the legendary Siamese-Twin Shiva, God of Destruction, cursed your village with fearsome evil spirits. Despaired by repeated failures...
Sachen's infamous dinosaur platformer. Oddly titled Jurassic Boy 2 on the title screen of the NES version, as well as the box and title screen of the Game Boy Color version.
A mathematical puzzle game for Supervision and NES
A puzzle game with strongly resembles Pac-Man. In this title, you play as a kind of small car to pass on all the boxes of a fixed screen. When you completely enclose a geometric sh...
Millionaire is a version of the popular board game Monopoly. The rules are pretty similar to the original, but the places in the board are the most noticeable difference. Instead o...
This is no ordinary forest. Then again, this is no ordinary Little Red Riding Hood. She can sure throw a kick, and let me tell you, she needs it to get to grandma safely. The fores...
Puzzle game reminiscent of Dr. Mario.
Bingo 75 is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Thin Chen Enterprises and published by Sachen, which was released in Asia in 1990.
Unbelievable! Someone created the most complicated locks in the world. Captain Red-Hat Jack was assigned to grab the enemy's defense information centre's distribution plan, but fir...
Colorful Dragon (變色龍) is an unlicensed game made by Sachen in 1989 and published by Bunch Games as Tagin' Dragon the following year.
Sachen's Sternhalma simultator.
Rocman X (洛克人X) (also known as Thunder Blast Man) is an unlicensed game created by Sachen, released on the Famicom and NES sometime in the 90's and also sometime later for the G...