Kiss of Murder, is set in a parallel world to Manhattan Requiem, and while featuring the same set of characters as that title, has a completely different scenario. Early releases...
A summer resort town Brighton stands not far from London, with a small circus troupe becomes the main attraction of the season. Just a day before the premiere clown Charles Dubois...
A Japan exclusive entry in the Neverhood franchise. This game was developed with no involvement from the original team in an effort to capitalize on the popularity of the character...
In 1952, an Investigator (You) is searching for the archeologist Dr. Hauzer, who has disappeared. The Investigator finds a large house in the middle of nowhere that belonged to Dr....
The owner of Kuronekoso “Oonogi Yoshizou” was killed. There are 8 suspects related to him. The player becomes a detective and searches with his partner.
A sequel to the original J.B. Harold no Jikenbo. 24 year old pianist Sarah Shields was found dead after falling from the 25th floor of her apartment window. The cause of death was...
The classical puzzle game of moving boxes to the right place hits MSX too with this conversion.
A dating sim where you play as a college student who happens to live right by the campus. It's summer and you're going to America for Christmas, but you'd love to get a woman befor...