A martial artist from the Wallace tribe named Bang Bipot and a temperamental sorceress named Tiria Rossette are on a trek across the world. The duo runs across and all but adopts E...
Fiend Hunter is an Action game with rpg elements developed and published by Right Stuff.
Blue Forest Story is set in a medieval fantasy land, which is controlled by the powerful Empire. There are in fact two stories in the game, featuring two different characters, who...
The TV Show is an overhead action-puzzle game released only in Japan.
In a war torn world of magic and science, a young man by the name of Bang Vipot unwittingly thwarted the designs of an evil organization sponsoring a fighting tournament. One year...
A 1992 turn-based PC-98 game created by Right Stuff Corp.
A young man named Sion Asmarn lives in the town of Cosma on the planet Homu together with his father, a famous explorer. One day, a huge meteorite falls on the planet. Sion's fathe...
Alnam no Tsubasa is a sequel to Alnam no Kiba. Like its predecessor, it is a Japanese-style role-playing game with a character-driven story, linear advancement, and simple leveling...