Get locked and loaded in an exciting prequel to the Turok series. Turok: Evolution is an epic adventure set against the backdrop of living jungles, mysterious temples, and deadly d...
Tonic Trouble is a 3D platforming video game by Ubisoft Montreal. The story follows the main character, Ed, after a magic potion spills on the Earth and causes vegetables to become...
The evil Dr. Claw is about to unleash the deadly MadKactus virus on the world, and it's up to Inspector Gadget to stop him. Since Gadget always needs a little help, his niece Penny...
Danger! Angry dinosaurs are poised for invasion. Scurvy pirates are hungry for treasure. And an ancient stone of unimaginable power is about to fall into the wrong hands. Take to t...
Dinosaur'us is a game developed by RFX Interactive and co-published by Electronic Arts and Light & Shadow Productions for the Game Boy Color platform. Dinosaur'us was never release...
The story begins in 1886. Captain Tobias Bruckner's cavalry crushes the Saquin Nation. Tal'Set, the only survivor, confronts Bruckner in a duel to the death. A sudden mystical door...
Join Lady Sia, bold defender of a world invaded by a race of ruthless beastmen. Help her use her sword and her wits in an intense battle across land, sea and air to free her people...
Antz Racing is a racing game for the Game Boy Color.