Prince of Persia 3D is an Action Adventure game, developed and published by Red Orb Entertainment, which was released in 1999. It is the third installment in the Prince of Persia f...
The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time is a sequel to The Journeyman Project and The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time. This final installment uses a 360° pre-rendered 3D CGI...
Take No Prisoners is a 1997 game set in a post-apocalyptic Texas; with the main character, Slade, given the mission to retrieve an object from the center of a small town. Slade, ha...
Ring: The Legend of the Nibelungen is a point-and-click adventure video. The game is based on Richard Wagner's four opera cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen, and features music from var...
John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles is an Adventure game, developed by Legend Entertainment and published by Mindscape Inc., which was released in 1998.
WarBreeds is a Real Time Strategy game developed by Red Orb. Warbreeds was notable for its customizable units which provided over 35,000 unique combinations.
Warlords III: Reign of Heroes is a turn-based strategy game set in a fantasy universe. The Selentine Empire has been overrun by undead and a number of warlords are fighting to d...
Prince of Persia is a 2D platformer that is commonly regarded as a progenitor of the cinematic platformer genre. Rather than following the more common jump-and-run mechanics, it fo...