Super Lion King is a Famicom port of Disney's The Lion King, originally made by Westwood for Sega Mega Drive, created by Super Game and published by Realtec at an unknown date (199...
Super Lion King is a Famicom port of Disney's The Lion King, originally made by Westwood for Sega Mega Drive, created by Super Game and published by Realtec at an unknown date (199...
Super Boogerman is a Famicom port of Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure, originally released for Sega Mega Drive and Super Nintendo. It was produced by Super Game and published...
Contra Spirits, also known as Super Contra 3, is a pirated Famicom port of Contra III: The Alien Wars (Contra Spirits in Japan and Super Probotector: Alien Rebels in Europe) for th...