The Mousing Cat is another game about the eternal conflict between felines and rodents. The game consists in a series of six encounters in which the players alternate the roles of...
Two titles are available in this cart: - A Labyrinth Game is exactly what the title defines. The player has to move a pawn from the left side of a labyrinth to the exit on the rig...
Secret of the Pharaohs is a puzzle game for two players. Each player has to find the correct position of stones in the Pharaoh's pyramids. The screen is horizontally divided in the...
Morse teaches the code to players. There are 4 types of games which can be selected in a menu screen: - The first type is a Morse code learning game. The player selects the game s...
Three games are available in this compilation: Pairs (selected by pressing 1) is the same game as Matchmaker!, a regular Memory game. A matrix with 20 letters appears on the scr...
The player has to move a sequence of numbers (9 to 0) from the point A of a pattern of lines to point D (or B in the variations). The numbers must be placed in point D in the same...
In Nightmare the player controls a visitor to a haunted mansion. The goal is to escape from it through a constantly moving hatch in the attic. His job will be made harder by the gh...
A shooting game featuring a Defender style left/right shooting ship. Enemies drift onto the screen with increasing speed, somewhat reminiscent of Geometry Wars.