The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak is the eleventh installment in the main Trails series, serving as the beginning to the Calvard arc. The game follows Van Arkride who i...
RPG fans rejoice as the classic adventure, The Legend of Legacy is remastered in HD! The unique stories of 7 heroes spring to life as you explore the mystical land of Avalon and f...
Outsmart and outgun your opponent in R-Type Tactics I • II Cosmos, the ultimate turn-based sci-fi strategy collection! This two-game combination of the classic R-Type Tactics titl...
R-Type Final 3 Evolved serves simultaneously as a sequel to R-Type Final 2, offering a whole new 7-stage campaign made in the engine of Final 2, whilst also serving as a compilatio...
Fantasy meets reality in Shibuya, Tokyo, where magic is something to be feared. In this action RPG, a young wizard seeks freedom through strength, and an officer seeks to control m...