Copycat is a narrative-driven game that explores loneliness and belonging. It follows the story of Dawn, a hell-no-to-home-brand, pampered indoor cat living her best nine lives - u...
Harmony’s Odyssey is an adventure puzzle game where modern world mingles with mythology. Embark on a fantastic journey through remote fabled lands tangled by a rowdy cat and bring...
As the final creation of the Goddess, Juxtia, journey through the ruins of two divine kingdoms, overrun by the Tarnishing. Challenging combat, a hauntingly beautiful score, and a s...
A new game from the creators of Rabi-Ribi, embark on an epic action-adventure as you slash, dash, and combo your way through a sprawling land scarred by conflict. Explore and disco...
'Astral Party' is a party game supports online multiplayer with up to 4 players. Choose your favorite character, utilize their skills and cards to fight against your friends. A myr...
Mioi and the others, as apprentice Tuners, embarked on a six-month investigation in Baixiang City. As their mission progressed, the city's normalcy began to unravel, with dissonanc...