Technōs created once again a vastly different experience with Double Dragon II on the NES. The experience system was dropped, but the moveset still underwent a few changes. The elb...
After a global nuclear war leaves the world in ruins, gangs emerge as the new elite by seizing control of the city. Twin brothers Jimmy and Billy Lee survive the cataclysmic event...
Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun: Bangai Rantou-hen is the first game in the Kunio-kun series released by Technōs Japan for the Game Boy. It is a sequel to Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun, but us...
A mobile Kunio-kun arena brawler.
This game is the remake of Downtown Nekketsu Story (the original Japanese version of River City Ransom). It was later ported as River City Ransom EX for Western audiences.
Downtown Nekketsu Dodgeball gives you exciting dodgeball. In this dodgeball you fight until the other party is downed. Plays with easy operation and variegated action.
The year is 20XX and dodge ball has become the number one sport in the world. Teams from all over the world now compete in dodge ball tournaments to prove once and for all who is t...
The classic NES game returns with improved graphics and even more role-playing action. As in the original game, River City Ransom for the Game Boy Advance blends action, fighting,...
The Legend of Silkroad is a 2D side-scrolling beat 'em-up game that puts players in the shoes of either the heroes Munmoo from Korea, Sochun from China or Jamuka from Mongolia. The...
Spin-off of the Kunio-kun series starring Kunio's friend, Riki.
Team USA is on its way to a Cinderella success story in the Super Dodgy Ball World Cup Championships. From out of nowhere, this scrappy bunch of rookies is advancing to the final r...
Okay, listen up! Nekketsu High Dodgeball Club has proven themselves once before on the world arena, but now, the stakes are higher! We got to go out there again and show why Nekket...
Those hot-blooded yanki are back in an epic 8-bit styled Tower Defense game.
Run, swim, climb, and fight your way to victory! Fight to the finish! Compete in races over a variety of dangerous terrain against 6 of the toughest schools in River City. Pummel...
We're proud to present you this compilation of 18 titles from the Double Dragon and Kunio-kun series. Among the 15 Kunio-kun titles, 11 of these had not been released in North Amer...