The Nohara family has decided to spend their summer vacation in Kumamoto. A week of life begins in the small town of Asso. Surrounded by abundant nature, you can catch rare insects...
Step into the life of Sohta, the young son of a family that has just set up a dry cleaners shop in the idyllic town of Fuji no Hana. In his interactions with the town's unique resi...
The game revolves around Boku, a 9 year old boy sent to his aunt and uncle in Japan's wooded countryside and the daily adventures he encounters there. Boku is there because his Mot...
Bokura no Kazoku is a Simulation game, developed by Millennium Kitchen and published by SCEI, which was released in Japan in 2005.
Boku no Natsuyasumi 3 is the third main game in the life simulation series of spending a summer vacation in Japan. This time the fourth grader Boku goes to his uncle and aunt's far...
Boku no Natsuyasumi 2: Umi no Bouken-hen is the sequel to Boku no Natsuyasumi and has a similar concept. The nine-year-old city boy Boku once again spends his summer vacation in th...