The third game in The Legend of Heroes series originally released for Japanese PCs in 1994 and then remade for the PSP in 2004. In 2006 it was localized for the first time and rena...
The fourth game in the Legend of Heroes series and the second in the Gagharv Trilogy. The PSP remake was renamed to simply The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion and was the fi...
A remake of The Legend of Heroes V: Umi no Oriuta, later localized for North America in 2007 under the title, The Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean. The trilogies titles have...
The story of Chaos Legion is a gothic opera which begins November, 791 A.S. (Anno Satanis): The protagonist, Sieg Wahrheit, is a Knight of the Dark Glyphs who is on a quest under c...
Planet DOB is a game based on the Japanese band DOB.
A point and click adventure game for the PC and MSX based on the Ranma 1/2 series.
Saikin Koi Shiteru? is an otome game, developed by Microvision and published by D3Publisher, which was released in Japan in 2009.
Hitori de Dekirumon! is based on a Japanese TV Show for kids about showing kids how to cook. The game lets the player learn about meals and cooking, and features different mini-gam...
Topple Zip is a vertically scrolling shooter that is marketed as a racing game. The basic premise is that you control an aircraft and fly in competition against several other, comp...