One year after the events of Metal Slug 3, the world is trembling under the new threat of a mysterious but deadly cyber virus that threatens to attack and destroy any nation's mili...
One year after the events of Metal Slug 3, the world is trembling under the new threat of a mysterious but deadly cyber virus that threatens to attack and destroy any nation's mili...
SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos primarily utilizes the command system of The King of Fighters series, incorporating light/strong kicks, punches, cancels and charging attacks. Unlike its...
Metal Slug 3 is a run and gun video game for the Neo-Geo console/arcade platform created by SNK. It was released on the PlayStation 2 in Japan and Europe and on the Xbox in North...
One or two players (in hot-seat or cooperative mode) control a spaceship equipped with a laser cannon which can be charged (by holding the shooting button down) for a stronger blas...
A double-pack for the US market of Metal Slug 4 and Metal Slug 5, 2D action blasters originally released individually in Japan and now available for the first time ever in the Stat...