В любопытной деревне Сент-Мистере горожане говорят друг с другом загадками, запирают свои двери раздвижными головоломками и прячут свои секреты в головоломках. Когда богатый барон...
Профессор Лейтон может быть всемирно известным сыщиком, но даже ему понадобится ваша помощь, чтобы разгадать эти сложные головоломки. С стилусом Nintendo DS в руках пришло время пр...
FINAL FANTASY IV - это 3D-ремейк классической японской RPG, которая впервые была выпущена для SNES как FINAL FANTASY II в Северной Америке. В отличие от многих последующих портов...
Between the worlds of light and dark lies the world of dram. A world where the rule of reason loosens its grip. A place where an insidious evil is stealing minds and blackening the...
Final Fantasy III - это ремейк и полная переработка одноименной версии 1990 года. Это позволило западным игрокам, наконец, впервые испытать классическую локализованную игру Final F...
Final Fantasy Dimensions is a Final Fantasy game for mobile phones. Final Fantasy Dimensions features 2D graphics and a job ability system, and returns to classic Final Fantasy plo...
Final Fantasy VI has received a remake for Android and iOS devices, and its graphical presentation is enhanced compared to previous versions in highly-detailed 2D. A Windows PC por...
You are Flint, a renegade swordsman on a quest to free a kingdom from the grip of a sinister ruler. Through a land of hidden danger you wield your weapon, navigating an intricate s...
FINAL FANTASY IV: THE AFTER YEARS является прямым продолжением FINAL FANTASY IV. Это ролевая игра в японском стиле, выпущенная в эпизодическом формате. В игре используются механика...
A PlayStation 2 remake of Dragon Quest V was released in Japan, and included a preview video of the prototype version of Dragon Quest VII. The remake was developed by ArtePiazza an...
Сюжет Avalon Code, как и игровой процесс, вращается вокруг Книги пророчеств, расположенной на сенсорном нижнем экране Nintendo DS. Чтобы записать человека, монстра, растение или ор...
A port of the Japanese version of the game.
Torneko: The Last Hope is a single player RPG title that revolves around the chubby merchant from Dragon Warrior IV as he sets out on an adventure to rid the town of all the monste...
Tales of VS. is a crossover fighting game featuring various characters across the Tales video game series. It was developed by Matrix Software and published by Namco Bandai Games f...
The remake version for iOS and Android is based upon the Final Fantasy IV remake made of Final Fantasy IV on the DS, but the The After Years version is a refined version of the ori...
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room - это спин-офф серии игр профессора Лейтона для мобильных операционных систем iOS и Android. Об этом было объявлено на мероприятии LEVEL-5 Vision even...
Roguelike x Relaxation! Take it easy in the latest addition to the series where you buff your bust with every foe you defeat, Omega Labyrinth! Enjoy your daily life in an academy o...
Dragon Quest Characters: Torneko no Daibouken 3 Advance - Fushigi no Dungeon is a Role-Playing game, developed by ChunSoft and published by Square Enix, which was released in Japan...
On March 28th, 2013, an iOS remaster was released worldwide and the Android version on September 26, 2013. The game is based on the Game Boy Advance version and thus includes all i...
Действие Ностальгии разворачивается в альтернативной реальности Земли 19-го века, где вы играете за Эдди, упрямого лондонца, который собирает группу запоминающихся компаньонов, что...
Long, long ago, the real world and dream world were one and the same. But because of the dark thoughts in people's minds, the Nightmare was born and threatened to end the world. A...
A fascinating cast of characters of different races and eras. An incredible story that leads you through the past and future to save the world. Combine your strengths to defeat pow...
Take, throw, and connect the colorful drops! An action puzzle with an exhilarating chain of events! Magical Drop DX is an action puzzle game in which characters resembling tarot c...
Omega Labyrinth is an upcoming roguelike RPG developed by Matrix Software for the Playstation Vita. One of the systems in the game is the Omega Power. The embodiment of womanly str...
Bomberman 3D or 3D Bomberman, is an action 3D game released for mobile phones.
Magical Drop DX is a mobile game released exclusively for Japanese mobile phones by G-Mode. It is based on Magical Drop II with elements from Magical Drop, more particularly, their...
Treasure Report: Kikai Jikake no Isan is a Puzzle game, developed by Matrix Software and published by Bandai Namco Games, which was released in Japan in 2011.