Dokuganryū, a legendary samurai of ancient capital imperial was deprived and expelled from their lands, and all your family was killed by the orders of the emperor. After these ev...
During the Sengoku period in the midst of civil war, the powerful Daimyo's struggle for power and the conquest of the imperial capital. Shingen from the Takeda clan and Ieyasu from...
Many a century ago in a land far away a mighty King created everything around him. One of his main members one day made a rebellion in the kingdom with several followers to take th...
Heian-Jidai's 12th century period many internal tensions occur with the increasing power of the clans increasing alongside the imperial court, where mysterious supernatural phenome...
This fantastic ancient world has been Invaded by powerful enemies who rule in the dark. Several centuries have passed since Light's Lords defeated them with the spear of destiny....