Over one hundred years ago during the mighty Shogun era, the Lord of Darkness sent his fearsome army to terrorize the Japanese countryside. Using the Dark Lord's powerful magic, hi...
On the moonlit eve of his coronation ceremony, pensive Prince Myer sits at the lakeside to ponder the future of the kingdom. Suddenly, a shadowy kami called Khan rises from the lak...
Shuushoku Game (Trendy Drama) is a Japan-exclusive video game based around the Japanese sub-culture of Japanese drama, Trendy Drama (hence the name), which is a form of drama typic...
Magna Braban: Henreki no Yuusha is a Japanese-style RPG with party-based combat and random enemy encounters. The game's main view is an overhead map of a specific location, such as...
Touge Densetsu: Saisoku Battle is a Racing game, developed by Lenar and published by Bullet Proof Software, which was released in Japan in 1996.
Battle of Kingdom is a 1991 Game Boy video game that was jointly created by the Meldac, Live Planning, and the Lenar companies. It was only released for a Japanese market. The o...
Sun Sport Fishing: Keiryuu-ou is a Sports game, developed by Lenar and published by Imagineer, which was released in Japan in 1994.
Action-adventure with slight RPG elements (buying and upgrading weapons, etc.) set in Wild West. While featuring traditional dungeon-crawling and many enemies to dispose of in real...