The Battle for Mata Nui is an online game based on the LEGO Bionicle franchise. It takes place during the invasion of the Bohrok swarms. The Bohrok are on a mission to completely d...
LEGO Star Wars: The Quest for R2-D2 is an online game at the LEGO Star Wars website with four playable characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Asajj Ventress and Count Dooku....
Mobile mini-games and missions featuring Lego Yoda and others.
Build your way to the top in this lighthearted, team action brawler where anything can happen.
LEGO Harry Potter: The Battle for Hogwarts is an online 2D platformer based on the LEGO Harry Potter sets.
You're the manager for Tuff Stuff, an all-girl band practicing to win the high school music competition. You can create your own music, stage lighting and dance routines. Comes wit...
Castle Battle: The Game is a Castle online game. In it, the player chooses to ally themselves with the Crown Knights or Skeleton Warriors and defend the respective side's main resi...
Play as Spider-Man and run across the city of New York! Dodge the dangerous obstacles and use your spiderwebs to sling to higher grounds. Will you be able to achieve the highest sc...
The sequel to Junkbot. It is a Shockwave puzzle-platformer that was hosted on the official LEGO website in 2002. The player must place LEGO bricks to form paths and stairways so Ju...
The sequel to LEGO World Builder. It is a Shockwave puzzle-platformer that was hosted on the official LEGO website in 2003. The player must collect LEGO pieces and the recipes that...
The Outer Dimension is under attack from the tyrannical warlord Gorm, who will stop at nothing until everything is either under his rule or destroyed. As a native of this dimension...
Hidden Side invites kids to join a fearless team of ghost hunters, who dare see the unseen and help turn a haunted world back to normal, one ghost at a time. This new theme include...
World Builder is a Shockwave puzzle-platformer that was hosted on the official LEGO website in 2002. The player must collect LEGO pieces and the recipes that allow them to assemble...