The Citadel, the first chapter of a story called Rune Tales, is a multiplayer cooperative game played with individual pods. Two to four players participate in the experience, which...
Rune Tales – Underground is a cooperative game that is played in individual pods of 2 to 6 players. The story follows the previous opus, Rune Tales : The Citadel, but the game has...
After being wrongly accused by their former boss, Big Mum and her former colleagues decide to form the Gang of Dummizz. Their goal: to rob the bank where they were employed. The a...
Catch the Dragon is the first game from LDLC VR Studio. It uses the technology of free roaming, offering a much more immersive experience than traditional virtual reality. Each pla...
Generate as much energy as possible by solving numerous puzzles that will require all your logic and skill, while dealing with unexpected ship breakdowns. An embedded AI on the ver...