Rising from the dead with his mind intact but memories missing, Sonny embarks on a massive adventure to uncover the truth and save the world in this challenging turn-based post-apo...
Sinjid is the third game in the Sinjid series. It is a role-playing action-adventure game with real time battles made for flash. In this game, players take control of the eponymous...
Sinjid Shadow of the Warrior is the second game in the Sinjid series. It is a role-playing game, where the players take control of the eponymous protagonist, Sinjid.
Sinjid: Battle Arena is the first game in the Sinjid series. It is a role-playing action-adventure game made for flash. It has a turn based battle system.
Dear Human, By now you know what it's like to be a Zombie. To be hunted. To be hated. You fought to survive in a world that didn't make any sense. But now you're getting used...
Dear Human, Zombies. You've shot them, stabbed them, sliced and diced them. Today I put you in the shoes of a Zombie. Fight for your life in this crazy and twisted world. Aft...