Paradise is a Boys Love visual novel and tells the story of a group of men who go on holiday on a deserted island. When things begin to go wrong, they realize to their horror that...
Sorcerer’s Choice: Angel or Demon? is a dark fantasy visual novel that tells the story of a boy called Lucil, the grandson of a great magician. After his house is attacked by a mob...
Slow Damage takes place at some point during the 21st century in the fictional ward of Shinkomi, which is located in Tokyo, Japan and was previously a part of the Tokyo Bay City No...
Sorcerer’s Choice: Angel or Demon? is a dark fantasy visual novel that tells the story of a boy called Lucil, the grandson of a great magician. After his house is attacked by a mob...
The third Boys Love Game by Nitro+CHiRAL of Togainu no Chi fame, sweet pool begins with the return of Youji Sakiyama to his Catholic high school after being confined in hospital fo...
Жизнь Акиры была определена насилием, но этого будет недостаточно, чтобы спасти его, когда он будет вынужден играть в смертельную игру. Приведут ли узы, которые вы создадите в этом...
Драматическое убийство разворачивается в ближайшем будущем на вымышленном острове Мидоридзима (碧島), Япония. В какой・то момент недавней истории игры остров был приватизирован мог...