In a post-apocalyptic world infested with dark souls, a few brave men dare to dream of escaping from the grim reality. No one remembers the past. A mysterious event leads the world...
Founded in 2013 by the main developers of the hit MMORPG, "Metin 2", Jandisoft is currently developing a HTML5 MMORPG, "Mad World" powered by the Jandisoft's own HTML5 game engine. The company focuses on HTML5 MMORPG development.
"We are Jandisoft from Korea currently developing Mad World. Mad World stays true to the classic MMORPGs but with unique art and grotesqueness. Fight along side your friends to take down formidable enemies, or fight against your friends to test your skills in a world full of fear, despair, and madness. This is Mad World."
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