Graffiti Kingdom is the sequel to Magic Pengel, an action adventure game developed by Taito. In the game, you play as a prince who must use his magic wand to save his parents and h...
In the year A.D. 18XX, under the dictator Sauron, a military nation of the MotorHead Empire invaded the surrounding countries, but the nation of Silverhead stood defiantly. With th...
A steampunk style horizontal shoot 'em up developed by HOT・B.
There are only two lakes to fish at and a limited set of lures; unlike the Super NES video game Super Black Bass. Casting is done on an overhead view with a meter for the direction...
The Black Bass is a fishing game designed for the Nintendo Entertainment System by HOT B games and released in 1988. Although not presented as a sequel, this game is the second in...
The Blue Marlin was developed by Hot B in 1991 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Following their earlier release The Black Bass, Hot B built on some of the original features f...
Schmeiser Robo plays similarly to other 2D versus fighting games during its release, which the player's character fights against his or her opponent in best two-out-of-three matche...
Juego de puzle del desarrollador Taito.