Jackie Chan Adventures is based on the hit kid's action cartoon of the same name, which features Jackie as an ancient artifact expert and special agent for the government's secret...
Pariah is a first-person shooter video game, developed by Brainbox Games, HIP Games and Digital Extremes. It was released on May 3, 2005 for Microsoft Windows and Xbox. It uses a m...
Stolen is a third-person stealth action game in which you play as a female thief. After your everyday job turns sour, you enter a web of conspiracy that threatens to destroy the en...
Mortyr II is set during World War II and follows British intelligence officer Sven Mortyr, who is sent to his Nordic homeland to investigate rumours of a Nazi super-weapon. Sven is...
CT Special Forces: Fire For Effect will feature unique missions in the fight against worldwide terrorist networks. The game also benefits from a cutting-edge engine as well as a sp...
In Dog's Life you play Jake the puppy, as he explores the USA in an attempt to foil a fiendish plot. Miss Peaches doesn't like dogs, and sees them as a way of making money, by dog-...
Desert Thunder is an arcade-style action tank game for the PC. Ripped from today’s headlines, the storyline immerses players into the heat of a desert-based military conflict. Play...
Action game based on the Jules Verne movie starring Jackie Chan as Passepartout, the valet of Phileas Fogg who joins Fogg on his bet to go around the world in 80 days. Around the W...