Based on the 2008 computer animated film from Pixar Animation Studios, the video game version of WALL-E involves playing as the lonely robot as he navigates a trash-tainted world a...
Players relive the film's most thrilling moments as they assume the role of Remy, a young rat who dreams of becoming a great French chef, despite the obvious problem of being a rat...
Ratatouille: Food Frenzy is a cookery simulation-styled minigame compilation video game developed by Helixe and published by THQ for the Nintendo DS. It is based on the film Ratato...
Play as Anakin Skywalker against the evil Jedi master Count Dooku. Dooku attempts to create a powerful new droid army to assist him in his evil intentions. Anakin meets up with fel...
Join the Scooby gang as they try to solve the mystery of Spooky Island. Players will roam the movie locations in search of clues, solving a series of small mysteries as they work t...
Cars is a racing game based on the animated movie of the same name. The player takes the role of Lightning McQueen in his quest to win the Piston Cup.
A compilation of four Nickelodeon games on a single cartridge.