Он исчез! Моя игра проиграна! Возвращайтесь к охоте за консолями, спрятанными мамой! Давайте найдем игровую приставку, которую спрятала мама! Это внутри сундука или на полке? Может...
Let's find the game console mom hid! Is it under the sofa or on the fridge? Could it be behind the curtains, too? Please give me back my game! Find the game in each level using var...
An escape room simulator from the creators of Hidden my game by mom.
Press the buttons to the rhythm of the music! Dance and make combos! Be careful not to be spotted by your mom entering the room!
This is a love action adventure game in which the “right answer of love” will be elicited in various situations to get her heart.