While seemingly placid on the surface, the world of Lunar is slowly descending into chaos, as the Goddess Althena, the creator and guardian of the world, has disappeared and the va...
A visual novel game for the original PlayStation where the player must help seven spirits learn about the human world.
Marionette Company 2 is an adventure game for the Sega Dreamcast and sequel to Marionette Company.
A collection of visual novels developed by Key for the Playstation 2.
A port of Otometeki Koi Kakumei Love Revo for the Nintendo DS.
A otome game where you control a character on the path of becoming a voice actor.
A port of Clannad for the PlayStation 2 that adds full voice acting.
This rare game, never released outside of Japan, combines the original Wizardry trilogy into one game, updating the graphics and music from the Famicom and PC originals. Players wh...