Nihil is a fangame of the classic indie hit, Yume Nikki. Following a girl named Yorutsuki escaping from reality through her dreams, you are tasked with collecting several Effects f...
Kaizo Nikki is a fangame of the classic indie hit, Yume Nikki. A poor fool by the name of Hitmetsuki is stuck in a strange place where he is tasked to go through several worlds and...
Dawn of Dreams is a 3D fangame of the classic indie hit, Yume Nikki. A woman by the name of Doakeru is our protagonist, a lone being living in the middle of a desert. Nevertheless,...
Aether is a fangame of the classic indie hit, Yume Nikki. A prequel to Nihil, the game follows Hirumataiyo exploring her dreams. With her mindscape split in half, she must collect...