NecroBoy: Path to Evilship tells the story of a young necromancer aiming to become the greatest Lord of Evil! Using his dark powers, he’s bringing his NecroMinions back to life to...
Join three heroes in training as they learn to master their individual strengths and harness the power of Alterium Essence. With their training nearly completed, Dolion, their teac...
A loadout based Tactical RPG currently in Early Access. Featuring a Single Player campaign, a roguelike Adventure Mode, local and online multiplayer and a board builder. Build you...
Crafting x Puzzles x Battle x RPG !? A game system that evokes a unique new game genre that will give you a brand new experience. Become the Restorer who aims to save the world by...
Through forensic investigation, confront paranormal phenomenas! 2D × Cinematic・Realistic forensics investigation simulation game.