Bazooka Cafe is an interactive dating-sim that explores life as the manager of a cafe staffed by very well-endowed Japanese maids. A kyonyuu (big-breasted) romantic comedy with gre...
In the pornographic visual novel Do You Like Horny Bunnies 2 you play as a Japanese Man named Kazuma Takatsuki who works at the brand new second branch of the world famous restaura...
Let's Meow Meow is a catgirl-themed pornographic visual novel brought to you by Yamikumo Communication.
Life is pretty good when you get assigned to manage the careers of two superstar idols! You are put in place to countermand the rebellious tendencies of these stars' previous manag...
Takeshi Shinonome is a private detective. One day, he meets a girl named Ayumu out in the rain. Ayumu's sister, Marie, and Takeshi went to the same high school. She asks him to inv...
I'm Kouta Koikawa, and I'm having a problem with my studies. It's not that my classmates' ruckus bothers me, I sit at the front of the room to avoid their antics. The real problem...