After 250 years of stable government, a military coup led by the Snukla star system's chief of military staff, General Bernelli, forces a junta upon the planets' peoples. A resista...
Started around 1989 to make their Sharp X1 shooter Revolty-II, Fuga System was a Japanese PC game studio located in Toyama Prefecture. They grew out of a local Sharp MZ-focused computer club, which had been making doujin software for release at Comiket. After the Revolty series and their PC-98 debut Beat Vice, they created the notable Amaranth series of JRPGs. This became their flagship product during the PC-98 and Windows 9x years, alongside one-offs like Oerstadia and Silent Nova. Official activities, updates, and technical support continued until sometime in 2012. Members of both Fuga System and the original club are still active on social media and in the computer/IT world.
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