Set in Gunjo Gakuin, a school specialized for those deemed by the government to be unfit for society, Cross Channel follows the story of eight members of the school's Broadcasting...
Set in Gunjo Gakuin, a school specialized for those deemed by the government to be unfit for society, CROSS†CHANNEL follows the story of eight members of the school's Broadcasting...
Game based on the anime Creamy Mami, the Magic Angel.
Mahou no Princess Minky Momo Fantastic World is based on an anime of the same name. The game is a Japanese-style adventure with a very simple gameplay, making it similar to a visu...
A big pharmaceutic company develops a new medicine and sets experiments first on animals, then on humans. It seems to be a revolutionary aphrodisiac.
Main heroine is homunculus created by Mad Alchemist. She is implanted memory of younger sister. She exists via sexual energy and needs daily masturbation to survive. If she resists...