Хакуоро, человек, который просыпается в крошечной лесной деревушке недалеко от гор с тяжелыми травмами, без памяти и в маске, которую он не может снять. После того, как Эрурув, дев...
Summon Night 3 is a Japanese tactical RPG and the third entry in the Summon Night series. The game follows the male main protagonist Rexx and the female protagonist Aty. As with ot...
В Summon Night: Swordcraft 2 игрок - сирота из клана Colthearts, воспитанный рыцарем-ремесленником (кузнецом/воином). Персонаж также стремится стать рыцарем-ремесленником. Персонаж...
Summon Night Ex-These is a spin-off of the Summon Night series, released for the Playstation 2 on August 4, 2005 . The player takes control of Leonus & Ainna, two adventurers that...
Summon Night 4 is a Japanese tactical RPG and the last entry in the Summon Night series developed by Flight Plan. The plot in this game focus on a parent/child relationship.
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story is an RPG set in the strange world of Lyndbaum, a sacred land linked to four magical dimensions from which Summoners can call forth spirits called Gu...
Eternal Poison begins in the Kingdom of Valdia where the demonic realm of Besek has suddenly appeared. This realm is home to demons called the Majin who have captured Valdia's Prin...
Summon Night is a Japanese tactical RPG and the first entry in the Summon Night series. This game follows the story of a Japanese high schooler, who is suddenly summoned into the w...
Summon Night 2 is a Japanese tactical RPG and the second entry in the Summon Night series. The story follows a young Summoner apprentice of the Blue faction, who has to go on a jou...
The original Black/Matrix title was released August 27, 1998 for the Sega Saturn console in Japan. There were two remake releases that add more detailed graphics and additional con...
Summon Night Craft Sword Monogatari: Hajimari no Ishi is a Role-Playing game, developed by Flight-Plan and published by Banpresto, which was released in Japan in 2005.
Black Matrix Zero combines standard tactical RPG gameplay with a pastiche of Judeo-Christian religious themes, particularly concerning the nature of good and evil and the interplay...
Noël: La Niege is the second game in the Noël series. In the game you have to communicate with the three girls you met and get acquainted with them by talking to them with video p...
Rage was one of the four Great Generals of the Demon Army, but he was slain in a battle against the Angels. He has recently been revived, but has lost all memories of his previous...
Dragon Shadow Spell is a strategy RPG from Flight Plan, better known as the developers of the Summon Night games until they went bankrupt in 2010. Dragon Shadow Spell was their fir...