Dangerous Streets is a colorful sprite-based fighting game in the vein of Street Fighter II. Its eight characters are diverse, ranging from fashion models to a bizarre monster cust...
Whizz is one of the few 3D platformers to use an isometric viewpoint. The controls reflect this, with moving the controller to the right actually moving the character down and righ...
Whizz is one of the few 3D platformers to use an isometric viewpoint. The controls reflect this, with moving the controller to the right actually moving the character down and righ...
Whale's Voyage is a sci-fi role-playing game with trading elements. The story involves a space traveler who has made a bad deal buying a space ship known as Whale, which turned out...
Soccer Superstars is a 2D side-scrolling football game in which the player can chose from 32 international teams to take part in either friendly games or cup tournaments. These can...
There are 8 different events to compete in. Some are really easy if you fast on the buttons, like Swimming and 100 meter sprint. But others like Long jump, Javelin and Archery need...
There are 8 different events to compete in. Some are really easy if you fast on the buttons, like Swimming and 100 meter sprint. But others like Long jump, Javelin and Archery need...
The game features two worlds: the Underworld of Fire and the Arctic Earth, which must be unlocked in order to reach the third, the Castle of Transylvania. According to the ghost in...
Sucess of course does not come about by itself. A ship owner of the last century had to be well informed in many areas. Not only the knowledge about the secrets of trading ensure s...