Raiden Fighters 2 takes place four years after the events of the first game. In the aftermath, a few surviving guerrilla groups gather under a dictator. Together, this rogue group...
The hero of the game is a young jungle-man named Toki. One day the evil wizard Dr. Stark kidnaps his girlfriend Wanda. When Toki tries to save her, he is turned into a monkey! Now...
Excellent sequel to the classic original Raiden. As in the original, players control a fighter jet/spaceship through various levels while shooting down other planes and bombing tan...
Choose from among seven high-powered fighters (including the Raiden MkII and Judge Spear from Viper Phase 1) and take to the skies in three dangerous missions. The first two missio...
Raiden Fighters Jet is the third and last game in the Raiden Fighters series. This game retains the same intensity and manic gameplay as its predecessors, while introducing several...
Vertical scrolling shoot-em-up that adds new features to its prequel Raiden II. Choose from three separate missions: Training special stage, Alpha levels 1-5 and Bravo levels 1-9....