Pokémon Añil is the fourth video game created by EricLostie after Pokémon Opalo. Kanto returns, but this time from a perspective never seen before, with a much deeper story and imp...
Pokémon Iberia is a game in the Pokémon franchise made by and for fans. It is based in Spain and other places in the Iberian Peninsula, with many nods to its history and popular c...
Pokémon Titan is a Spanish Pokémon fan game. Discover a new story full of charismatic characters and exciting moments in the Aleteia Region. Made with RPG Maker XP and Pokémon Ess...
Pokémon Titan is a Spanish Pokémon fan game. Discover a new story full of charismatic characters and exciting moments in the Aleteia Region. Made with RPG Maker XP and Pokémon Ess...
Pokémon Opal is a Spanish-language fangame created by developer and streamer Eric Lostie, also author of Pokémon Iberia. You will give life to a character who has the modest missio...