Yu-No: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World is a Japanese visual novel/ point-and-click adventure game developed originally as an adult game. The game's protagonist tr...
Doukyuusei is a 1992 erotic dating sim (the first of its kind) where the player can meet 14 girls to have a romantic relationship with. The player takes the role of a high-school s...
The Dragon Master, Darklarza, has been terrorizing the kingdom for many years. The king was forced into exile by this threat. He retreated, with the bravest knight in the kingdom,...
Shangrlia is a turn-based tactical game. The ten female commanders reside in the castle and can be approached in any order. Each of them transfers the player to a different locatio...
Ray Gun is a traditional Japanese RPG, with top-down navigation, random turn-based battles viewed from first-person perspective, etc. The combat is usually between the player's ste...
Kakyuusei is a 1996 PC-98 adventure dating sim where the protagonist must date (obviously) a girl or two or a dozen. It was ported to many platforms and has never been localized in...
Run Run Kyousoukyoku is an arcade-style on-foot racing game. It uses a split-screen side-scrolling view and can be player against computer-controlled opponents or in a two-player m...
Elle is a point-and-click adventure in Japanese style (no puzzles). The interaction with the environment is performed by moving the mouse cursor around; when it is possible to inte...
Foxy is a pure strategy game, without any RPG elements. The player is taken from one battle to another; there is no gameplay outside of battles. The battles take place in various c...
Foxy 2 is a turn-based strategy game. The gameplay is similar to its predecessor; it is confined to large-scale strategic battles, in which the player commands different types of u...
Jan Jaka Jan is a mahjong game in its core, the majority of the gameplay dedicated to mahjong matches (two- as well as four-people) against a variety of opponents. The player can n...
Like its predecessor, De-Ja II is a Japanese-style adventure. The interface has been enhanced compared to the first game. Most of the commands are still done via the extensive verb...
Angel Hearts is a dead simple RPG developed by ELF in 1989. The gameplay resembles that of dungeon crawlers, meaning that there are no friendly areas; though the view for explorati...
Dragon Knight III is an eroge role-playing video game released on many Japanese PCs in 1991. It is part of the Dragon Knight series of games created by Japanese game developer ELF,...
Dragon Knight II is the predecessor to Knights of Xentar, the only Dragon Knight game that was ever translated into English. This is a first-person game that is mainly dedicated to...
De Ja is a Japanese-style adventure. At every screen, a menu with verb commands appears at the bottom. The commands include Examine, Talk, Ask, Take, Use (an inventory item), Move,...