This game follows the story of its two protagonists: Kojirou Amagi and Marina Houjou, as they pursue the truth behind another mystery.
Remastered version of the 1998 Sega Saturn game, featuring high resolution art, previously unused CG's, additional writing by the original scenario writer and implementation of new...
Eve: Burst Error originally released in 1995 on PC later ported to Sega Saturn. The long-awaited Eve: Rebirth Terror the start of a new story.
A Bizarre Serial Murder Mystery. There's A Serial Killer Close By. A Prohibited Psychothriller. The Multi-Sight System Reveals Surprising Truth! In this game there are two heroes,...
A Bizarre Serial Murder Mystery. There's A Serial Killer Close By. A Prohibited Psychothriller. The Multi-Sight System Reveals Surprising Truth! In this game there are two heroes,...