Songs for a Hero 2: March of Malachi is an upcoming sequel to the 2D musical platform game, with a brand new story about a world that lives in the shadow of the memory of a once pr...
Tormenta: Memórias da Tempestade is an upcoming action RPG based on the tabletop RPG Tormenta, developed by Dumativa Game Studio in partnership with the game publisher Jambô.
The end of the world just started and everyone is gone. The machines took over and your only goal is to look for your missing sister in a retro wave atmosphere. Fight and find your...
Become Mia, a paranormal detective searching for her missing father inside the Perimeter - a place that doesn't exist. Investigate clues like a real detective and unravel the myste...
Become Mia, a paranormal detective searching for her missing father inside the Perimeter - a place that doesn't exist. Investigate clues like a real detective and unravel the myste...
The journey begins! Collect over 160 creatures inspired by Brazilian culture, manage and customize your base, conquer challenging battles, and unravel the mystery behind this fanta...