Verne World is a role-playing game exclusively released in Japan. The game revolves around the main character being trapped in a theme park based around the works of Jules Verne su...
Koutetsu no Kishi 3: Gekitotsu Europe Sensen is a Strategy game, developed by Dual and published by Asmik Ace Entertainment, Inc, which was released in Japan in 1995.
The hero (a dragon knight blood boy) was born and raised in the Dragon field, and he will be involved in the war between the Dragon Knights and their rivals. The game begins when...
Koutetsu no Kishi 2 is a Strategy game, developed by Dual and published by Asmik Ace Entertainment, Inc, which was released in Japan in 1994.
L-Dis is an Action game, developed by Dual and published by NCS, which was released in Japan in 1991.
Takada Nubihiko and his UWF International are here to prove they are the toughest, baddest wrestlers in the world! Take on the roster and make yourself known as the greatest wrestl...
The Golf Navigator game series let's the player enjoy a golf simulation where the hallmarks are panoramic 360 degree views of the courses and an intuiative system which allows for...
The Golf Navigator game series let's the player enjoy a golf simulation where the hallmarks are panoramic 360 degree views of the courses and an intuiative system which allows for...
The Golf Navigator game series let's the player enjoy a golf simulation where the hallmarks are panoramic 360 degree views of the courses and an intuiative system which allows for...
The Golf Navigator game series let's the player enjoy a golf simulation where the hallmarks are panoramic 360 degree views of the courses and an intuiative system which allows for...