Embark on a super-heroic mission with the Mighty Pups and Chase’s Super Speed, Marshall’s Mighty Heat, Skye’s Whirlwind Power and the whole mighty PAW Patrol team. Explore the town...
Hotel Transylvania: Scary-Tale Adventures is a 3D platform adventure that will take players on a fairy tale journey, putting them in control of their favorite characters as the gam...
So long, Adventure Bay! PAW Patrol is on a roll…to Adventure CITY! When the pups learn that Humdinger has become mayor of a buzzing metropolis, they must race into action to save A...
Ginger: Beyond the Crystal is an adventure platformer in which you have to rebuild and restore balance to a world devastated by the explosion of a mystical crystal. Face quests and...
Поднимите дружбу на новый уровень и укротите хаотичную магию, которая переворачивает мир с ног на голову, в загадочном приключении для одной или двух пони!
Your favourite Cry Babies characters are ready to play! The Big Game is a friendly and fun adventure perfect for young players. Join Lady, Coney, Dreamy and friends in an all-new a...