Touhou Unreal Mahjong is a Mahjong fangame created by D.N.A.Softwares in March 2009 that involves the Touhou Project' characters, settings, and music released at Reitaisai 6. It, a...
Moedan is a practice/training shmup made by D.N.A.Softwares. It features some of the cast of the Touhou series. It also features characters from another series, Moetan, a series of...
This game is an exploration-type action game in which the player controls Sayaka Miki to explore a labyrinth. The player controls Sayaka Miki, who has lost her memory, and explores...
This is a side-scrolling action game. Simply and clearly defeat the bosses and move forward.
This game appears to be based on Bomber King.