Italo-Doom is a 20-map megawad for Doom II created by Zach Stephens (Ribbiks) and Daniel Jakobsson (dannebubinga) and released in January 2016. It has a reputation for being extrem...
Sunlust is a challenging set of 32 boom-compatible maps for Doom II. The maps cover multiple themes, from traditional bases and temples to abstract hellish, void, and tech aestheti...
A long awaited third entry in the series, this is another compilation of 35 slaughter maps designed to be played from pistol start
Combat Shock 2 (C-SHOCK2.WAD) is a seven level episode for Doom II and a Boom-compatible source port, uploaded to the idgames archive in October 2012, by Daniel Jakobsson (dannebub...
Combat Shock (C-SHOCK.WAD) is a four level mapset for The Plutonia Experiment and a limit removing source port, uploaded to the idgames archive in December 2011, by Daniel Jakobsso...