Follow the female detective called Kyoko, and the mysterious Snake, as they try to solve a complex mystery full of betrayals and political intrigues. Kyoko is an agent who investi...
Xenon: Mugen no Shitai is a sci-fi visual novel adventure game developed and published by C's Ware for Japanese PC's in 1994.
In this game there are two heroes, Kojiroh and Marina, who are each called to solve their own cases, while running into each other. This game allows you to switch characters to sol...
In the southern ocean on a remote island is a huge research institute called Desire. An institute built by the large, world renowned financial group, Grandchester Foundation. It's...
The Sega Saturn port of EVE burst error published by Imagineer. A premium edition released months later switched to their publishing label/subsidiary Imadio. This version added...
A puzzle arcade game with similarities to Lode Runner and billiard games. Created by C's Ware and is a spinoff to many of their earlier titles.
An adult murder mystery/detective visual novel with 2 stories taking place at the same time. The point of view can be swapped between the main characters, a private detective hired...
Considered one of the pioneers of the eroge genre, Divi-Dead is a horror themed visual novel blending over-the-top gore, graphic sex, and a complex, supernatural-themed storyline w...