Fullmetal Alchemist: To the Promised Day is a role-playing PSP game by Bandai. Just like many other Bandai-released games, it was never released outside Japan. Unlike the last acti...
The third instalment of the fan-favorite Gundam Breaker series is on it's way! Taking a unique and meta approach towards the Gundam universe, Gundam Breaker 3 continues the formula...
Earth Seeker is a Role-Playing game for the Nintendo Wii. The battle system for facing off against these beasts is known as the Time Stop Battle system. It combines real time and...
Code Geass: Lost Colors allows you to join the war for Japan, as seen in the anime. Will you join the Black Knights in revolution, or will you join the Britannian Army and fight ag...
Break, build and battle with the Gunpla you’ve always wanted in NEW GUNDAM BREAKER! Blast through enemy Gunplas and collect their fallen weapons and armor to customize your Gunpla...
Based on the arcade game, this is a fighting game in the Dragon Ball Z universe, developed by Craft and Master (whose team members include former Street Fighter producer Noritaka F...